Thursday, 30 June 2016

Seven kites

Long ago, way before PS4 or devices were invented there was small pa at the bottom of Te Mata Peak with  a whanau of 7 little sisters. Day by day Ururangi, one of the seven sisters, could see the totaras trees on the dewy jade grass, swaying from the wind, Tawhirimatea  gust. She  could hear the cheeping of the keuru birds perching on totara trees.  She smelt juicy kie cooking in the whares. Ururangi felt ferns hanging from the bushes. She felt her heart beating for a very special day: Matariki! Today was Ururangi’s 1st time building her own kite. All 7 sisters gathered together, sitting down on a mat made out of flax, with their tools ready to design their kites.  Sister number 1 built her kite out of green paper mulberry and the eyes of tuatua shells. The wisest little sister created her kite out of orange reed and the eyes of mussel shells. Another sister crafted her kite out of pink manuka and the eyes of scallop shells. A beautiful kite made of  pink manuka kite with eyes of scallop shells was designed by the prettiest little sister. The fourth little sister constructed a red feather kite with eyes of pipi shells. A kite made of blue fish skin kite with eyes of whelk shells was designed by the playful sister. Lastly the sixth little sister built her kite out of white grass plumed kite with eyes of periwinkle shells. But Ururangi made a very special kite of many-rainbow kite with the eyes of paua shells. So the 7 sisters set of to the shallow beach. They got ready to fly their kites and admired how high their kites would except Ururangi. They were waiting for Tawhirimatea to blow his wind. Frustrated, they stomped to grandfather totara and hung there kites on his long, thick branches. The moon slowly rises and passes to night. The seven sisters fell asleep. Soon at dawn Tawhirimatea blew his wind. He cried “Wake up, Wake up” But no one awoke. Wind started to blow and the kites tried to escape. In Ururangi’s dream, she wondered why the kites wanted to escape grandfather totara. The girls awoke and saw the kites drift into the distance. One of the seven sisters cried out wanting her kite back. All the kites were together but Ururangi’s kite wasn’t there. “Where’s my kite” screamed Ururangi. The eldest sister calmed her down saying: the kites would turn into beautiful glowing stars. The kites looked like 6 beautiful stars in the night sky. The 6 sisters smelt kai and ran down to the village but Ururangi stayed behind. Joyfully she looked at the beautiful stars. She was the first to see the matariki stars.                         
Something that challenged me was adding detail so the reader would enjoy what they were reading. I am 
 proud of fixing my mistakes to make it my personal best. Today in writing I used refining muscle to go to my learning change my mistakes to quality learning. I am learning to use my perseverance muscle I used this muscle in writing to get help so we could fix the promblems that were made. The learning muscle I used to get out of the learning pit was my refining muscle to build on detail.

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